+256 708 490880
Mengo Busiro, Makamba Zone, Rubaga Division


Thematic area 1: Food and Nutrition Security

The objective for this thematic area is to improve Food and Nutrition security which will lead to increased agricultural production and food supply, as well as enhanced food utilization, increased agricultural production, food supply and enhanced food utilization. This is achieved through promotion and adoption of productivity farming enhancing technologies and practices, strengthening farmer’s capacities in livestock production, promote adoption of post-harvest handling and loss reducing technologies and practices at household level and strengthening feeding practices for children under five (5), Women of Reproductive Age, and People Living with HIV (PLHIV).

Thematic area 2: Inclusive Agricultural Trade and farmer Institutional business Development

The objective for this thematic area is to deepen Agricultural Trade and Business Development which will lead to market access, value addition and inclusive finance. This is achieved through strengthening the capacities of small holder Farmers (SHFs) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to run sustainable and profitable Businesses and strengthening farmers’ participation in domestic and regional markets, link farmers’ access to agricultural financing.

Thematic area 3: Climate Change and Natural Resource Management

VEDCO supports agro- ecosystems reconstruction, strengthen farming communities’ capacity to cope with natural disasters risks, and promote climate change adaptation (CCA) technologies and practices, promote sustainable access to energy services.

Thematic area 4: Policy Research and Advocacy

This objective seeks to continue developing the capacities of farmers to participate in policy advocacy and to engage duty bears on issues that affect them in production, access to food and its utilization as well as marketing. This is done through supporting farmer’s access to information and knowledge on agricultural policy processes and building vibrant farmer-based structures to influence agriculture related policy processes and programs.

Thematic area 5: Response to Disasters and Emergencies

This objective positions VEDCO in readiness situation to respond to an influx of refugees and asylum seekers thronging Uganda in big numbers in addition to an ever increasing incidence of natural disasters such as landslides, drought and floods. This is achieved through strengthening of emergency and disaster preparedness coordination unit, strengthen Partnerships for humanitarian action and response and build capacity of VEDCO staff for humanitarian response.

Thematic area 6: VEDCO Internal Institutional Development:

This objective aims at strengthening VEDCO’s capacity to deliver effective and sustainable agricultural services. VEDCO recognizes the need to strengthen her governance, management & operational systems and policies.