+256 708 490880
Mengo Busiro, Makamba Zone, Rubaga Division


Bio fertilizer making refresher training of Abatai community development and Abatai farmers group Agrio grio sub county in Palisa for enhanced commercial bio fertilizer production Mention group name, sub county and district and the project
KIOCA, UNDP, VEDCO TVETS startup kits distribution during their graduation ceremony at St. Martin Comboni Missions Institute.
Value addition: Obongi District RDC  (in the middle)  examining quality of maize flour produced by a grinding mill supported by UHRCEP Project.

Photo moment: KIOCA , UNDP, VEDOCO and Obongi Local Government Officials during the joint monitoring of field activities in obongi district.
Stakeholder engagement meeting on store construction site identification in Obongi District led by the LV Chairperson Obongi District.
Joint Monitoring visit by KOICA/UNDP to the ongoing market construction site in Dongo village, Itula Sub county, Obongi District.
Sharing beneficiaries’ project experiences with partners in Gimara Subcounty, Obongi District during a joint monitoring mission by KOICA/UNDP
Farmer, Demonstrating effect of integrated practices, micro dozing against farmer’s practices on striga, soil health, crop vigor and yield by FRN farmers in Kapiri Sub County in Palisa District.
Promoting Crop Biodiversity through agro Ecology intensification in Butansi Sub County, Kamuli District under Food Land Project.
Use Agro Ecology practices, use of manure, cover crop intercropping and use of repellant crops for disease and pest management in Butansi Sub County, Kamuli District under Food Land Project